Check out this awesome 2015 Toyota RAV4 LE that perfectly mixes style, versatility, and reliability. Dressed in a sleek Magnetic Gray Metallic finish, this compact SUV is all about turning heads while still being super functional for your daily adventures. It packs a punch with a 2.5L I4 engine that gets you 176 horsepower, and the all-wheel-drive means you can tackle any road with confidence. Got outdoor gear? No problem! The handy roof rails mean you're ready for anything from city drives to weekend escapades.
Inside, it’s all about convenience with Bluetooth connectivity for easy hands-free calls and music while you're on the move. Plus, the built-in backup camera helps you handle those tricky parking situations like a pro. This ride is a solid choice for families or anyone looking for reliable performance without skimping on comfort or tech features. Don’t miss your chance to own this fantastic SUV—swing by for a test drive and see for yourself why the Toyota RAV4 is such a favorite across the country!
This pre-owned vehicle has been inspected and serviced by a Senior Master Technician- ASE Certified.
FINANCE and LEASE options available with Approved Credit. We are here to assist you navigate this car market - call today!!!! we would love the opportunity to help you!
Disclosure: At JFR & Associates, transparency is paramount in our vehicle sales process. We strive for accuracy; vehicle descriptions and options are computer-generated, and errors and omissions could occur. Please call to confirm vehicle equipment and features. The quoted price is subject to change without prior notice to correct errors or omissions. Price does not include additional fees, sales tax, or other registration and government fees. Certain data and content displayed herein are copyrighted by JFR & Associates.